Test Harness

The test harness is a program we use to automate testing parts of our code. It takes a folder of test programs, uploads each program to the microcontroller, runs it, observes its output, determines whether the tests passed or failed, and prints the results.

Each test suite contains a set of tests, which contain assertion statements. An assertion is a condition we expect to be true at a certain time if the program is working correctly. If all assertions succeed, the program is working correctly. If any assertion fails, we know the program is not working correctly and can isolate the problem.

The test harness is written in Python and requires the pyserial library to be installed.

Running the Test Harness

The test harness Python script is located in lib-common/bin/harness.py.

The command to run the test harness is:

$ python harness.py -p <port> -d tests


You must replace <port> with the port the programmer is connected to (what you normally use to upload programs), for example $ python harness.py -p /dev/tty.usbmodem00208212 -d tests (Mac) or $ python harness.py -p COM3 -d tests (Windows).

You may have to replace harness.py with the path to the Python script, such as bin/harness.py if you are running from the lib-common folder.

You may have to replace tests with the path to the folder of your test files.

If you are running tests that use 2 boards (e.g. CAN), you must specify a second port with a space after the first port, e.g. $ python harness.py -p /dev/tty.usbmodem00208212 /dev/tty.usbmodem00187462 -d tests.