Our Toolchain

Developing code for a real-time embedded system like HERON Mk II as part of a large, interdisciplinary team of programmers is no easy task, and we have collected a set of tools to make the process as effective as possible. To make the software we develop reliable and sustainable, it is crucial to properly set up, use, and understand the tools described in this article.


The ATmega32M1 microcontroller we use is a part of the Atmel AVR family. Atmel is the company that produces them (and is now owned by Microchip), and AVR refers to the architecture and the instruction set used in these microcontrollers (MCU for short). As discussed earlier, in order to program these devices, we need to translate the C code we write into machine code through a Compiler. The compiled machine code is then loaded to the AVR device through a protocol called In-Circuit Serial Programming, ISP for short, which is just a fancy name for “program your device with just 6 wires so you don’t have to rip it out of your circuit board every time you want to change a line of code”. This is a standard feature nowadays, but at some point in the past “burning” a program onto your MCU was a much harder, non-reversible process.

Often, the process of writing code, compiling it for the specific MCU that you are using, and loading that program onto the MCU is done through what is called an Integrated Development Environment, or an IDE. Atmel has a nice IDE for its own microcontrollers, named Atmel Studio, and it integrates and simplifies the process a fair bit. However, for HERON Mk II, we’ve decided to move to a more bare-bones approach that lets you see a little deeper into the inner workings of the process. This approach also allows us to keep better track of the libraries that we use in our code. Libraries, which are pre-written, self-contained pieces of useful code that can be reused, make up most of the code in any embedded system, and we have a few that we have written that you will definitely end up using if you write any code for HERON.

We call the set of tools we use to develop and program our MCUs our toolchain, and I’ll give a brief overview of what every part of it is about.

Our AVR Toolchain

From the point of view of the programmer, there are three steps to get some code on your MCU. For the sake of simplicity, let’s call them the following:

  • Code: Use any text editor you want on your computer to create the .c and .h files and make use of libraries.
  • Make: Use a compiler to compile your code into machine code
  • Upload: Use a programmer, a small circuit board with wires on either end, to connect your computer to your MCU and to upload the program

Once you’ve completed the setup of the environment, this whole process will be as simple as saving your code, and typing the following into your command line:

make upload

The rest of this section describes these steps in more detail, and explains how they apply to our specific project.

Coding with Libraries

Libraries are collections of well-tested, useful, and nicely documented code that can be included in many projects. They can have many different purposes, including:

  • provide easy access to basic functions, such as “wait 50 ms”, “turn pin PB5 on” or “allocate 8 bits of memory for this integer”
  • allow easy use of complex features of your microcontroller, such as the SPI or CAN data transfer protocols
  • let you use an external device (a _peripheral_), such as writing data to an SD card or running a motor.

There are three sources of libraries that we use:

  1. Standard C Libraries: a set of libraries that can be used in any given C program running on any device. Functions from these libraries are used so often that you don’t think about them much. Math functions, variable types and sizes, floating point numbers, strings are all dealt with here.
  2. avr-libc: a library created specifically for writing C programs for AVR microcontrollers. It lets you do things that are specific to the microcontroler you are using. For example, it can let you read/write to the I/O pins on your microcontroller; it can allow you to count a certain number of milliseconds to have accurate delays; or it can provide access to certain power-saving functions.
  3. lib-common: our constantly-evolving, home-made library just for HERON Mk II. Here we have functions that are used in all of the different subsystems on the satellite, protocols that allow the subsystems to communicate, and drivers for peripherals that are used on the satellite.

Since libraries typically make up most of a project, it is not convenient to store them as .c and .h files with the rest of your code. If you were to do that, they would need to be recompiled every time you make a small change in your main code, which would take ages. Instead, they are pre-compiled and stored in .a files, which you can see in lib-common/lib/ in the link above. This is why later on, once you have completed setting up the toolchain, you will not be able to compile one of the subsystem projects until after you have compiled the contents of lib-common.

Any library can be used in your code as long as it is accessible to the compiler, however it needs to be included properly. The snippet below shows an example of how to include various libraries and other project files in your main code (taken from obc.h in the On-Board Computer code). Note how the angle brackets are used for the libraries, and double quotes are used for the project files - can you guess why?

// standard C libraries
#include      <stdbool.h>
#include      <stdint.h>

// avr-libc includes
#include     <avr/io.h>
#include     <util/delay.h>

// lib-common includes
#include     <spi/spi.h>
#include     <uart/uart.h>
#include     <uart/log.h>
#include     <can/can.h>

// project file includes
#include     "rtc.h"
#include     "mem.h"